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September 1999, Week 3


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Marc Guido <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Skiing Discussion and Snow Reports <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 00:24:22 -0400
text/plain (33 lines)
Mark "Outhouse" Renson wrote regarding the Aurora Borealis:

> How common is it to see this phenomenon in Vermont?  We Flatlanders don't
> have the opportunity to see them, at least not to my knowledge.

I used to see them often while weekending at Jay.  Funny, I often found
myself driving into the Eastern Townships at night for some reason.  One
night I saw the most amazing display that I sat on the side of the road
leading from Magog to Bolton Centre and watched for a couple of hours, much
like J. and E.  (At least E. was interested - and female: my passenger was a
patroller with a few too many beers who fell asleep during the show...)  It
seemed to ignite the sky, but the way that the colors shimmered it seemed
like a thin, sheer curtain blowing in a gentle breeze.

Last year, Mr. Renson, I seem to recall that you and Graham Cracker were in
a car with us on the very same route and saw some hints of a display during
the pre-Christmas week.  Alas, there was a high overcast that trashed the
performance, but you could still see the yellows through the clouds.

Marc Guido
Sarasota, FL
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