Please pass this announcement along to any interested individuals.

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2000 Stable Isotope Ecology (Lecture and Laboratory Short Courses)

University of Utah, June 11-23, 2000


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These will be multi-instructor lecture (Biology 5470, morning) and
laboratory (Biology 5475, afternoon) short courses offered to graduate students
and postdoctoral investigators interested in learning more about the
application of stable isotopes at natural abundance levels for environmental
and ecological studies. We will set aside an additional 5 openings for the
lecture course only (Biology 5470).  The courses will:

1)  be offered June 11-23, 2000 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake

2)  be limited to 20 participants (Biology 5470/5475) in order to
maximize laboratory and instrument access; an additional 5 openings will be
available for the lecture course (Biology 5470)

3)  consist of a morning lecture-discussion course and an afternoon
laboratory course; there will be 12 course instructors, experts selected from
across the country for their breadth and for their interest in teaching and
interacting with students

4)  include a hands-on laboratory experience each day, including full
access and use of delta S, delta plus, and 252 isotope ratio mass
spectrometers; this instrumentation is equipped with elemental analyzers, continuous
flow capacities, GC, pre-con, laser, common-acid-bath; available also are
vacuum preparation lines for organic and inorganic compounds of biological
and environmental interest

5)  many of the evenings will be set aside for discussions of current
research interests, group dinners, and also there will be opportunities for
social events in the nearby Wasatch Mountains

Typically our applicants have come from all across the United States as
well as from many different foreign countries.  We seek students with broad
interests.  Past participants have had backgrounds in different
disciplines, including animal and plant physiology, ecology and ecosystem science,
anthropology, atmospheric science, marine science, oceanography,
paleontology, and geology.

Applications will be accepted until February 15, 2000. Check out the home
page at <>.  We will notify
applicants about February 27, 2000 regarding acceptance into the course and how
to begin planning for lodging arrangements, tuition payments, reading
materials, etc.

Jim Ehleringer
([log in to unmask])

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Jim Ehleringer
Department of Biology
University of Utah
257 S 1400 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0840

Tel 801-581-7623
FAX 801-581-4665

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