RESEARCH ASSOCIATE: STABLE ISOTOPES and BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLING The POSITION: There is a position available immediately for a research associate to be involved with ecosystem studies of carbon and water cycling in grassland and boreal forest environments. The research involves a combination of gas exchange (eddy covariance and chamber techniques) and stable isotope analyses to improve our understanding of processes, and to quantify the components contributing to total ecosystem carbon and water budgets. A list of example publications is provided below. The stable isotope facility consists of a Finnigan MAT Delta-Plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer with dual inlet and continuous-flow interfaces; and a CE carbon and nitrogen elemental analyzer. In addition, there are a variety of off-line preparation systems including systems to: (i) purify carbon dioxide from air and organic samples; (ii) extract water from plant and soil samples; (iii) equilibrate carbon dioxide with water samples; (iv) purify cellulose from wood samples. DUTIES: The successful candidate will be expected to perform a variety of stable isotope analytical procedures; instruct students in stable isotope techniques; collect and process data in support of lab research projects. Some field work will be required. In addition to the prime responsibilities of managing the stable isotope facility, the successful candidate will help with the maintenance and data processing from our ecosystem carbon dioxide and water flux studies (using the eddy covariance technique as part of the Ameriflux program). QUALIFICATIONS: - An individual capable of independent work, with strong oral and written communication skills - A minimum of a B.Sc. degree in Chemistry, Earth Science, Ecology, or a related field. - Experience with stable isotope analytical techniques including the operation and routine maintenance of an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. - Competence with electronics trouble-shooting and repair. - Previous training or experience with carbon and water cycle studies involving gas exchange techniques would be a strong asset. Salary is dependent on qualifications and relevant experience. Secure funding is currently available for a minimum of four years. TO APPLY: Please send an application letter describing qualifications and experience; along with a CV; and the names, addresses, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Dr. L.B. Flanagan Department of Biological Sciences University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4, CANADA Telephone: (403) 380-1858 FAX: (403) 329-2082 e-mail: [log in to unmask] WEB page: Selected List of Relevant Publications: Flanagan, L.B. and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Ecosystem - atmosphere CO2 exchange: interpreting signals of change using stable isotope ratios. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13: 10-14 Flanagan, L.B., D.S. Kubien and J.R. Ehleringer. 1999. Spatial and temporal variation in the carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratio of respired CO2 in a boreal forest ecosystem. Tellus 51B: 367-384 Flanagan, L.B., J.R. Brooks, G.T. Varney and J.R. Ehleringer. 1997. Discrimination against C18O16O during photosynthesis and the oxygen isotope ratio of respired CO2 in boreal forest ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 11: 83-98 Flanagan, L.B., J.R. Brooks, G.T. Varney, S.C. Berry and J.R. Ehleringer. 1996. Carbon isotope discrimination during photosynthesis and the isotope ratio of respired CO2 in boreal forest ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10: 629-640 Farquhar, G.D., J. Lloyd, J.A. Taylor, L.B. Flanagan, J.P. Syvertsen, K.T. Hubick, S.C. Wong and J.R. Ehleringer. 1993. Vegetation effects on the oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 Nature 363: 439-443. Flanagan, L.B. 1998. Oxygen isotope effects during CO2 exchange: from leaf to ecosystem processes. In Stable isotopes: integration of biological, ecological and geochemical processes. Ed. H. Griffiths. BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford, UK, pp. 185-201. Rochette, P., D.A. Angers and L.B. Flanagan. 1999. Maize residue decomposition measurement using soil-surface CO2 fluxes and natural abundance of 13C. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63: 1385-1396 Rochette, P., L.B. Flanagan and E.G. Gregorich. 1999. Separating total soil respiration into plant and soil components using analyses of natural abundance of 13C. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63: 1207-1213 Rochette, P. and L.B. Flanagan. 1997. Quantifying rhizosphere respiration in a corn crop under field conditions. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61: 466-474 Johnsen, K.H., L.B. Flanagan, D.A. Huber and J.E. Major. 1999. Genetic variation in growth, carbon isotope discrimination and foliar N concentration in Picea mariana: analyses from a half-diallel mating design using field grown trees. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29: 1727-1735 Flanagan, L.B. and K.H. Johnsen. 1995. Genetic variation in carbon isotope discrimination and its relationship to growth under field conditions in full-sib families of Picea mariana. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25: 39-47. Brooks, J.R., L.B. Flanagan and J.R. Ehleringer. 1998. Responses of boreal conifers to climate fluctuations: indications from tree-ring widths and carbon isotope analyses. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28: 524-533 Williams, T.G., L.B. Flanagan and J.R. Coleman. 1996. Light and humidity effects on photosynthetic gas exchange and discrimination against 13CO2 and C18O16O in tobacco plants modified by an antisense construct to have low chloroplast carbonic anhydrase. Plant Physiology 112: 319-326 Williams, T.G. and L.B. Flanagan. 1996. Effect of changes in water content on photosynthesis, transpiration and discrimination against 13CO2 and C18O16O in Pleurozium and Sphagnum. Oecologia 108: 38-46 Flanagan, L.B., J.R. Ehleringer and J.D. Marshall. 1992. Differential uptake of summer precipitation among co-occurring trees and shrubs in a pinyon-juniper woodland. Plant, Cell and Environment 15: 831-836. Flanagan, L.B. 1993. Environmental and biological influences on the stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf water. In: Stable isotopes and plant carbon/water relations. Eds. J.R. Ehleringer, A.E. Hall and G.D. Farquhar. Academic Press, San Diego, California. pp. 71-90.