Dear IRMSers, Due to a serious vacuum problem with my Optima (turbo crashed) which occurred this week-end, and to the delay for having spare parts (bloody holidays), I'm a bit disappointed. I have 4 (four) water samples to be analyzed urgently with respect to delta D and delta O18. I'm searching for a lab where they could be performed (if possible not too far from Belgium). Thanks for your help. Pat __________________________________________________________ Patrick DAUBY Universite de Liege Laboratoire d'Oceanologie Unite de Recherche en Biogeochimie des Isotopes Stables (URBIS) B6 Sart Tilman B-4000 Liege, Belgium Phone: +32.4.3663322 - 3663307 Fax: +32.4.3663325 Beep: 0454.700.671 (inside Benelux only) WWW: __________________________________________________________