Dear IRMSers,

Due to a serious vacuum problem with my Optima (turbo crashed) which
occurred this week-end, and to the delay for having spare parts (bloody
holidays), I'm a bit disappointed.
I have 4 (four) water samples to be analyzed urgently with respect to delta
D and delta O18. I'm searching for a lab where they could be performed (if
possible not too far from Belgium).
Thanks for your help.



Patrick DAUBY
Universite de Liege
Laboratoire d'Oceanologie
Unite de Recherche en Biogeochimie des Isotopes Stables (URBIS)
B6 Sart Tilman
B-4000 Liege, Belgium
Phone: +32.4.3663322  -  3663307
Fax: +32.4.3663325
Beep: 0454.700.671 (inside Benelux only)