Dear Andrea,

> However, I do believe that there should be a place in Isogeochem
> where people looking for jobs can place an ad. I would be willing to
> add a JOB'S WANTED section to the Isogeochem web page. Please tell
> your students and colleagues. As usual, the speed at which the ads
> will appear on the Isogeochem web page will depend on stress level
> (mine, of course...)

Splendid, capital, well done.

I say three cheers are in order for your gallant offer to provide such
a service albeit at the expense of a few more frayed nerves.

To keep your stress level as low as possible on that, why not adopt
a format similar to that on Earthwork. i.e. size of the advertisement
about one paragraph (not exceeding 50-100 words) with a hyperlink
to the actual CV? People either have webpage space at work or at
"home" since almost every ISP now provides its subscribers with 5-
15 MB of free space to host their own webpage(s).

This way, you keep space requirement on Isogeochem to a
minimum and you don't have any responsibility for the information
given in the CVs (as they are not actually hosted on your site).
Advertisers have to ensure that information is correct and up-to-
date. Furthermore, they can withdraw the CV from the link and put
up a notice instead if they are no longer looking for a job.

Kind regards,


Dr. W. Meier-Augenstein, CChem MRSC
Senior Research Fellow

University of Dundee, Dept. of Anatomy & Physiology,
OMS, Small's Wynd, DUNDEE  DD1 4HN, United Kingdom

Tel.: +44-(0)1382-34/5124, /4574, /4968
Fax:  +44-(0)1382-34/5514

e-mail: [log in to unmask] (work)
e-mail: [log in to unmask] (home)


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