Dear Listmembers, Sorry for my previous reply, which was in Dutch, but i intented to send it to Richard's private e-mail adress. For those people that are interested (or want to learn some Dutch), here's the translation of what I wrote him: "Sorry for the late respond, but I'm just back from a holiday. We will also measure 13C in CH4 in the future, using our Anca-tg2 (pdz). For the moment I cannot give you any tips or adresses where you can buy such reference material, but i'll keep you informed when we find something. In the meantime we will probably buy CH4-gas at natural abundance and have it calibrated, to use it as reference-material." Again, i'm sorry all of you had to read the Dutch version... Best regards, Peter Vervloedt On 26 Jul 2000, at 9:30, Peter Vervloedt wrote: > Hallo Richard, > > Sorry voor het late anwoord, maar ik ben pas terug van verlof. > > Wij zullen in de toekomst 13C in CH4 meten met onze Anca-TG2 > (pdz-europa). Voorlopig kan ik u nog geen tips of adressen geven > waar dergelijk referentiemateriaal te verkrijgen is, maar ik zal u > zeker op de hoogte houden indien we iets vinden. > > Voorlopig zullen we aangekocht CH4-gas bij natuurlijke aanrijking > laten calibreren op 13C, om als referentie te gebruiken. > > Met vriendelijke groeten, > > Peter Vervloedt > > On 17 Jul 2000, at 13:14, Richard van Logtestijn wrote: > > > Dear All, > > > > does anyone know a supplier for CH4 gas with a certified delta 13C > > value at natural abundance (around -45 permil) and/or enriched with > > a few hundred permil? I tried Messer Griesheim, but they don't have > > it. Are there more people working on determining delta 13C from CH4, > > either from emissions or air? It would be interesting to share some > > experiences. > > > > Thanks! > > > > > > @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ > > Richard van Logtestijn > > Vrije Universiteit > > Faculty Biology > > Department of Systems Ecology > > De Boelelaan 1087 > > 1081 HV Amsterdam > > the Netherlands > > tel +31 20 4447247 > > fax +31 20 4447123 > > e-mail : [log in to unmask] > > @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ > > > ----------------------------------------- > Peter Vervloedt > Ghent University > Laboratory of Applied Physical Chemistry > Coupure Links, 653 > 9000 Gent > tel.: +32 9 264 60 00 > fax.: +32 9 264 62 30 > e-mail: [log in to unmask] > ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Peter Vervloedt Ghent University Laboratory of Applied Physical Chemistry Coupure Links, 653 9000 Gent tel.: +32 9 264 60 00 fax.: +32 9 264 62 30 e-mail: [log in to unmask] ----------------------------------------