Roger, Claire, Paul (since you asked), et al -

Here are a few categorized telecom projects compiled from Judi Harris'
"Way of the Ferret".  I used these in a presentation back at AppleFest -
1994  (Yes - it WAS Applefest, not VermontFest, back then)  Some are a bit
dated, but most still seem reasonable even given the technology changes in
the past 8 years.  When I gave this presentation, we were using the
Vermont Ednet.  No AOL, no Netscape.  No T1!  Dialup connecting overnight
to a local FidoNet node.  And yes, Steve, there were students running a
node at CVU, but other educators (me included) were also involved in
promoting project-based use of these new technologies.  Hope this helps
others to see how far, and how not-so-far, we've come.


Three "Genres"

•       Interpersonal Exchanges
•       Information Collections
•       Problem-Solving Projects

Interpersonal Exchanges

Keypals - Emergent topics
Global Classrooms - Focus topic
Electronic Appearances - VIP
Electronic Mentoring - Topic Expert
Impersonations - "In character"

Information Collections

Information exchange - similar info from diff. geog. regions (jokes,
idioms, proverbs, holidays, travel brochure, etc.)
Electronic publishing - collaborative planning, creating, editing,
distribution of documents
Shared Database creation
Telefield trips - shared observations & experiences including trip
Pooled data analysis - similar data collection at different sites (Kidnet,
Global grocery list, etc.)

Problem Solving Projects

Information searches - combining use of online & offline data sources
Electronic process writing - asyncronous writing workshops
Serial creations - Neverending storyboard
Parallel problem solving - sometimes competetive
Simulations - Immigrants
Social Action Problems
