Regarding carbon (and N, S, O, H, etc) isotopic reference materials, please

USGS40  L-glutamic acid has d13C = -26.24 per mill relative to VPDB and
d15N = -4.52 per mill relative to N2 in air

USGS41  L-glutamic acid has d13C = +37.76 per mill relative to VPDB and
d15N = +47.57 per mill relative to N2 in air

Other isotopic reference materials now available include:
USGS34  KNO3 (low d18O value of -27.9 per mill relative to VSMOW)

USGS35  NaNO3 (high d18O of +57.5 per mill relative to VSMOW and high d17O
of +51.5 per mill relative to VSMOW)

ISL-354  NaCl (newly available Cl isotopic reference material prepared by
Y. Xiao)

Soufre de Lacq elemental sulfur (IAEA-S-4) is now again available, its
isotopic homogeneity having been demonstrated; d34S = +16.90 per mill
relative to VCDT.

                      David Mrofka
                      <david.mrofka@EMA        To:       [log in to unmask]
                      IL.UCR.EDU>              cc:
                      Sent by: Stable          Subject:  Prism II Software and Organic Carbon Standard
                      <[log in to unmask]

                      04/17/2004 03:19
                      Please respond to
                      Stable Isotope

I have two questions and would appreciate any advice...

1. We have a Prism II running the original DOS-based software and are
interested in updated software that can run on a newer computer.  I
searched the archives but there has not been much on this since Y2K.  Any
advice on updated software and who to get it from?

2. We are also looking for bulk solid carbon to calibrate with NBS-22 and
use as our lab std for organic carbon measurements.  Of course we are
looking for something with lighter delta carbon values (-25 to -35 ?)...any
advice on suppliers?

Thank you,

David Mrofka
Earth Sciences
University of California Riverside