Thank you very much to all that helped me in the suphur themes. Héctor -----Mensaje original----- De: Stable Isotope Geochemistry [mailto:[log in to unmask]] En nombre de Pier de Groot Enviado el: Martes, 22 de Febrero de 2005 12:04 p.m. Para: [log in to unmask] Asunto: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] Sulphur in petroleum Dear hector, Max and others, A bit late reaction... I do not have found much references specifically on procedures for sulfur isotopes in oil. It comes down to use of techniques as described for organic materials, specially soils and sediments (actually mostly true for coal). There are a few refs that might be of interest, vbut which are not specifically meant for oil or for IRMS! Westgate L. M. and Anderson T. F. (1982) Extraction of various forms of sulphur from coal and shale for stable sulphur isotope analysis. Anal. Chem. 54, 2136-2139. Hope this can be used for oil too... have a look. Kelly W. R., Paulsen P. J., Murphy K. E., Vocke R. D., and Chen L. (1994) Determination of sulfur in fossil fuels by isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 66, 2505-2513. Preparation of sulfur compounds in oil for TIMS - at least part of preparation must be similar for IRMS. Rees C. E. and Holt H. D. (1991) The isotopic analysis of sulphur and oxygen. In Stable isotopes: Natural and anthropogenic sulphur in the environment; Scope 43. (ed. H. R. Krouse and V. A. Grinenko). John Wiley & Sons: 43-64. Includes extraction of different sulfur-compounds from oil. Arikawa Y. and Sasaki A. (1987) Extraction and isotope measurement of sulfur in biological samples. Anal. Science 3, 157-160. Case J. W. and Krouse H. R. (1980) Variations in sulphur content and stable isotope composition of vegetation near a SO2 source at Fox Creek, Alberta, Canada. Oecologia 44, 248-257. Parr bomb methods on organic materials (not specific oil). Just a bit - not too much however... Might be a good subject, stable isotope analysis on oil and coal (and eventually natural gas) samples (so, not only sulfur), for a chapter in a future handbook volume!! Hopes this is useful. Best wishes, Pier. **************************************************************** Delta Isotopes Consultancy Dr. Pier A. de Groot Pastoor Moorkensstraat 16 2400 Mol - Achterbos Belgium Tel. +32 (0)14 326 205 e-mail: [log in to unmask] Visit my WEB-site about my ³Handbook of Stable Isotope Analytical Techniques², including pdf files of an order form and a flyer for downloading, at: last update: October 1, 2004 Volume I is now available. Volume II is expected to be available medio 2005. **************************************************************** > Héctor > > I am sorry I do not have the exact reference to hand but there used to > be the very old standard ASTM method for analysis of S in crude oil > (before XRF was invented). It involved combustion of the oil under > high oxygen pressure in a bomb calorimeter apparatus in which there > was also (I think) sodium carbonate solution. In the original method > the resulting sulfate was precipitated as barium sulfate, dried and > weighed for total sulfur estimation but we also used it for isotopic > analysis. > > Be aware though that the bombs are expensive and need regular safety testing. > > Does anyone have a copy of the method they can send to Héctor? > Especially Pier - do you have reference to this or an alternative > method in your book? > > Max > >> Dear all >> >> I have a batch preparation line of S02 from sulphates and sulphides >> for MS determination of the 34S/32S ratio. >> Our lab is now engaged with the measurement of isotope ratio of >> sulphur in oil, and all the references I have found are related to >> GC-IRMS. I like to know if somebody can provide me any reference (or >> better a paper) where it is described how to separate the total >> suphur from an oil matrix in form of an inorganic salt or compound. >> Thank you in advance. >> >> Héctor O. Panarello >> Director >> INSTITUTO DE GEOCRONOLOGÍA Y GEOLOGÍA ISOTÓPICA (INGEIS) Pabellón >> INGEIS - Ciudad Universitaria >> 1428 Ciudad de Buenos Aires >> Tel: +54-11-4784 7798 >> Fax +54-11-47833024 > > > -- > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> - > Any opinions are mine and may not reflect policy of NASA, Caltech or > JPL > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> - > Max Coleman > Director, Center for Life Detection & Lead Scientist, Astrobiology > Research Group Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech M/S 183-301 4800 Oak > Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109, USA > > ph: (818) 393-6353 > fx: (818) 393-4445 > ph: (818) 687-7704 (cell) > > [log in to unmask] > >