Hello Shuhei,

another solution is to use the signal intensity instead of percentage for
pressure adjustment (always using this approach, never get into trouble)
For doing this, click on the menu (small round button on top of the dual inlet panel)
to fix the signal intensity you want on the left or right side (your bellows need
to  be calibrated first). For adjusting the opposite side, you can do before runs like
the first one or in the method there is a section that describes how the slave bellow should be
adjusted. In each case, ISODAT ask you how close the signal should be. Usually, 100 mV
difference allowed did not create any zero enrichment issue and adjustment is pretty fast.

Hope this will help.


A 15:27 25/04/2005 -0400, Gerard Olack a écrit :
Hi Shuhei--

The triangles don't work in current service pack 2.38--and I'm not sure
about earlier ones.  I tend to either left click on the bellows itself
and drag it--or right click and type in the desired percent expansion.
Please note, when you type in a percent expansion value, you can type in
89.5%, but it will show it to two significant figures, 90%.

good luck,


Shuhei Ono wrote:


Many thanks for your prompt input. There are a pair of triangles bellow
each bellow in window, that seem "as if" they can be used for fine
bellow volume adjustments.  Nothing happens when I click with our
version of 2.0 (with pack 1.39).  Do these triangles work with service
pack 1.42?  I would appreciate if anyone can tell.


On Apr 22, 2005, at 5:09 PM, Gerard Olack wrote:

Hi Shuhei--

Isodat service pack 1.42 is last one before upgrading to WinXP Service
Pack 2.0.  Dual Inlet was misbehaving in the 1.38 service pack--it was
behaving better in 1.41, with some other changes on going to 1.42.
Checkout the read-me file for the latest patch--it gives some of the
history of the preceeding patches.

take care


Shuhei Ono wrote:

Dear ISODAT 2.0 users

I am using MAT 253 with ISODAT NT 2.0 with service pack 1.39
 I have been very frustrated with pressure balance for dual inlet, and
I am soliciting some inputs now.  I am typing in numbers for bellow
percent but it often misbehaves.  I have never worked out with
automatic pressure balance function because it keeps overshooting; I
can do much better job by manually.  A pair of triangles under bellows
do not work at all.  I was recommended to try new service pack but am
not sure if it comes with some extra that cause other troubles.  Any
inputs from you will be the most appreciated.

Many thanks and have a nice weekend!


Shuhei Ono
Geophysical Laboratory

Joel Savarino
Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement/CNRS/UJF
54 rue Moliere, BP 96
38 402 St Martin d'Hères Cedex
tel: + 33 476 82 42 51
fax: + 33 476 82 42 01
Email: [log in to unmask]
Web: http://www-lgge.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr