
There are still a few spots left at the CF-IRMS Workshop coming up 
Victoria, on June 11-14th, so we have extended the registration 
deadline. For details, go to

The website has now been updated with a participant list, locations 
and room numbers of events, and a labelled map.

For those coming as well for the LIMS course with Dr. Tyler Coplen, 
please remember to bring a laptop with Access and Excel already 
installed. Spots in the June 9th/10th LIMS course are now all taken, 
but we have room on the 15th/16th for a few more people.

Those attending the Sunday "Introduction to Stable Isotopes" course 
with Gilles St. Jean should bring a calculator.

Paul Eby

[log in to unmask]
Biogeochemistry Lab (E-Hut, room 102)
School of Earth and Ocean Science
University of Victoria

PO Box 3055
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 3P6

phone: 250-721-6183
fax:   250-472-4620