I wouldn't doubt the advantage of dual processors. If a program is waiting for a function to complete and tying up a processor, it cripples all other processes on a typical single processor system, no matter how "fast" that processor is, until the task is either ended or the response it's watining for has been met. A function of a program is allowed up to 50% of total processing with two processors, leaving the equivalent of one whole processor still open for new threads to run when something like a jump takes place or a file is being written to the hard-drive. It happens very quickly with the threads divided between the two processors as they will allow, but you can still watch this with the task manager. Dual-core processors are a little different. We were initially looking for an old Tyan dual motherboard when we needed to build a replacement PC for one that died, but went with a new single-cpu board thinking ISODAT would be more stable than it's turned out to be. ;-) To sweat a little less, we put Workspace on another PC for re-processing and analysis while the machines are running. ----- Original Message ----- From: Brian Jones <[log in to unmask]> Date: Thursday, May 4, 2006 12:29 pm Subject: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] Isodat problems > Hi Les, > I too had this same or similar problem for a while. The error > message I got > was 'program: C:\finnigan\isodat nt\global\bin\workspace.exe - > abnormalprogram termination - (press retry to debug program)'. > This error window > coincided with a lack of jump from N2 to CO2 configuration. If I > clicked any > of the buttons the acquisition screen terminated. If I left the > screen alone > the sample schedule would continue, but could receive the same > error again > and open a new error window. > I too attempted reloads of Isodat, recalibrated the mass scale, > deleted and > recreated jump files, erased the entire computers hard drive and > startedover, and removed and replaced memory (as I always received > a memory error > after I closed the error message mentioned above). None of this > solved the > problem. I was able to narrow down the fact that the jump file was > becomingcorrupt for some reason after creation. Deleting and > recreating this file > would solve the problem for a time, but would always reoccur, > however, not > in a predictable number of jumps or other factors I looked at. > Eventually, I replaced the computer with another that has dual > processors(don't think this matters) and 1GB of RAM memory (I do > think this matters). > I have not seen this error message again. I am not certain that > the increase > in memory was the solution; perhaps the old computer had another > problemwithin the motherboard or memory cards themselves. However, > when I tried to > reproduce this error on the new computer by loading the memory and > processors with open programs while acquiring data I did receive > an error > message, however it was different, go figure (sorry did not write > it down). > This time the jump file was fine and did not get corrupted and > once the > memory was freed up again the error messages stopped. At any rate, > I have > not seen this error or had trouble jumping since the change in > computer. I > have had runs totaling 150 samples and have probably run in excess > of 5000 > samples so far without problem. I can dual task using internet, > email, word > and excel without having a problem. > I realize this is not really a certified solution, but may be > something to > look at. If you are able to borrow a high memory system to test, > it might > save you the expense of buying a system that is not the solution. > I any case > hope this helps. If you discover the real problem I would be very > interestedin your findings > Brian Jones > Stable Isotope Ecology Lab > Texas A&M University > College Station, Tx. 77843-3146 > 979-845-8916 > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Stable Isotope Geochemistry [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf > Of Leslie D. Price > Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 10:35 AM > To: [log in to unmask] > Subject: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] Isodat problems > > yes, it is when it makes the jump to CO2 that the problem arises. > I will > check to see if the "?" is in the window and try to see if the backup > program will help. So far that has not helped. Thanks for your > help, I > really appreciate it! Les >