Forgive my this legal? You will be profiting on items that have
copyrights elsewhere. Perhaps individuals have not responded for this reason.


--- Pier de Groot <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> This is my repeated request to get your opinion if there is need for a
> stable isotope reference databank service. Since I collected quite a large
> number of references considering stable isotopes, including analytical and
> applied papers in a wide diversity of disciplines over the years, I was
> thinking if I can make this available to the stable isotope community.
> Unfortunately I have ot ask some contribution in reverse for such a service,
> because I did much work and have to make investment (costs) to set this up,
> if aty all. This strongly depends on the interest shown by you... i.e the
> stable isotope community.
> My first inquiry did not generate much reactions (was bad timing for the
> European side � just before a holiday/long weekend), although most were
> showing a positive opinion and a few a negative one � fair enough,
> her/his own ideas of course.
> One argument given was that references can be obtained for free... Of course
> right, but I realized that very much myself (how did I get this collection
> of refs anyway, bnot by paying for a databank but by searching libraries and
> internet myself in a longer time period, with for me an obvious reason to do
> this).
> I dare to state that references can be obtained, but such a search wil ltake
> by far more time and it will be difficult to get a reference list from such
> a search that is as complete as from my database - and yes, there will be
> exceptions as there are usually.
> I repeat my objections for such a database service (at start there will be
> over 10,000 refs available and I will take care to let it grow by adding
> refs regularly; I will upgrade the database for as many magazines I can if
> this will be set-up and running):
> * possibility to scroll through complete list of references
> * to search by keywords for selecting specific items, authors, years,
> isotopes/elements/compounds, etc. etc.
> * to give a list of authors with linking to/listing of all the references
> given for this author
> * including �doi� code with direct linking to the paper (only able to
> if subscription to the magazine is existing for the person opening the link
> � password or registration will be demanded in most cases � if free
> this can be linked directly, of course)
> * listing of magazines included in the database (including the used �short
> name� in the database) and with link to the web-site of the magazine, if
> available/existing
> References will be structured:
> author(s) - year � title � magazine, volume(issue), pages and doi code;
> eventually also a list of keywords can be included (where I have them � at
> least for about half the database I have included!)
> (for book chapters, books or other type of works similar styles).
> My question is if enough interest exist for such a database access on
> internet by subscription (yearly renewable charge; the more interested
> persons the lower such a subscription can be...; mind that I have to make
> costs for server etc.). I think reduction for students will be good too
> (after showing formal proof of studentship..). Option of institutional
> and/or library subscription is seriously considered.
> Also I like to hear suggestions and comments, if there are volunteers for
> such...
> Do not hesitate to include what you are eventually willing to spent for such
> a subscription, if at all.
> If this turns out to be a good idea I am prepared to invest in this (server
> space, URL registration, assistence for IT part, payment regulation, etc.
> etc. - note that things are not for free for me too � I informed myself
> already a bit if affordable - also depends on size of interest for this!).
> Please, react directly to me personally at:
> [log in to unmask]
> And tell me what you think. The more reactions I get the better.
> I look forward for your reactions.
> Best wishes,
> Pier.
> ****************************************************************
> Delta Isotopes Consultancy
> Dr. Pier A. de Groot
> Pastoor Moorkensstraat 16
> 2400 Mol - Achterbos
> Belgium
> Tel. +32 (0)14 326 205
> e-mail: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
> Associate editor for stable isotopes of eEarth on-line magazine
> Visit my WEB-site about my �Handbook of Stable Isotope Analytical
> Techniques�, with a link to the Elsevier web site on the handbook (marked:
> �Order Now�):
> last update: August 15, 2005
> Volume I is now available. Volume II is expected to be available second half
> of 2006.
> ****************************************************************
> In a World Without Walls or Fences,
> Who Needs Gates, or Windows?
> ****************************************************************

Andrew Schauer
Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research
Department of Biology
University of Utah
257 S. 1400 E.
Salt Lake City,UT 84112 USA

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