We have been using the GOW-MAC minature leak detector. It is very handy. Purchased through Supelco. -- Charlotte Lehmann Research Technician Bates College Department of Geology 207A Carnegie Science Building 44 Campus Avenue Lewiston, ME 04240 Phone: 207-786-6485 FAX: 207-786-8334 Quoting Tim Prokopiuk <[log in to unmask]>: > Greetings... > > Can anyone suggest a reliable, portable, not-so-expensive helium leak > detector? Our lab is considering investing in one. The internet is > full of such detectors, but I can't read through the sales pitches to > know which models are better than others. > > Thank you... > > Tim Prokopiuk > > ------------------------------------------------- > Tim Prokopiuk > B. Sc. Geology/Technician > Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory > Room 241 > Department of Geological Sciences > University of Saskatchewan > 114 Science Place > Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada > S7N 5E2 > Phone: (306) 966-5712 > Fax: (306) 966-8593 > Email: [log in to unmask]