Dear Saigat,

if you send us about 30-50 ml of your lab water standard, we would 
analyze it for dD and d18O.

Our name and address is below (at the end of this letter).

Best regards
Istvan Forizs

Saikat Sengupta wrote:

> Dear All,
> We have prepared a secondary standard for d18O and dD analysis of 
> water samples in our lab. We are looking for some labs where we can 
> send our standard for inter-laboratory comparison. I shall appreciate 
> if anyone can help me by analyzing our standard.
> Thanks in advance.
> With regards 
>                                                               Saikat 
> Sengupta
>                                                              Research 
> Scholar
>                                               Department of Geology 
> and Geophysics
>                                              Indian Institute of 
> Technology, Kharagpur
>  Pin-721302
>                                                                     India
>                                                  Contact No. -   
> +91-9433279314
>                                              Alternate email: 
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
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Dr. FÓRIZS István ......... Istvan FORIZS Ph.D.
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Geokémiai Kutatóintézet
Institute for Geochemical Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Cím/Address: H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45.   Hungary
Tel./Phone: (36-1)-309-2600/ mellék/extension 1151
Fax: (36-1)-319-3137