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Dear All,We have prepared a secondary standard for d18O and dD analysis of water samples in our lab. We are looking for some labs where we can send our standard for inter-laboratory comparison. I shall appreciate if anyone can help me by analyzing our standard.Thanks in advance.With regardsSaikat SenguptaResearch ScholarDepartment of Geology and GeophysicsIndian Institute of Technology, KharagpurPin-721302IndiaContact No. - +91-9433279314Alternate email: [log in to unmask]
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-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. FÓRIZS István ......... Istvan FORIZS Ph.D. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Geokémiai Kutatóintézet Institute for Geochemical Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Cím/Address: H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. Hungary Tel./Phone: (36-1)-309-2600/ mellék/extension 1151 Fax: (36-1)-319-3137 Http://www.geokemia.hu/people/forizs_hu.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------