Hi all,


I have started to look into dD analysis, and I have some problems concerning the H3 factor. I hope you can enlighten me with some explanations. The analysis is of water using the TC/EA and DeltaplusXP MS. Back ground levels are of 10 for mass 3, and 30 for mass 2. During the determination of the factor (that is preceded by the zero on off measurement while increasing H2 ref gas pressure. Increasing being in the intensity range of 1000mV to 2000mV), the software (Isodat 2.0) determines a value from which it starts to calculate the H3 factor. On screen it will show it as "start value". The start value is of 42, the H3 factor which is determined is around that figure (with a standard deviation 0.6).


My questions:


What is that "start value" and how it is determined?


Assuming my factor should be less then 10, what may cause a larger figure?


Thanks in advance,





*Effie Eliani

**Stable isotopes lab

***Geological Survey of Israel  

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