Dear all,
I am looking for the following articles, but unfortunately cannot retrieve them from our submission at Science Direct :
    1- Coffin R.B., Miyares P.H.  2001. Stable carbon and nitrogen analysis of TNT: two dimensional source identification. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 20 : 2676-2680.

    2- Nissenbaum A.  1975. The distribution of natural stable isotopes of carbon as a possible tool for the differentiation of samples of TNT. Journal of Forensic Science, 20 : 455-459.

If anyone could email me the corresponding pdf or fax me a copy of them.



Dr D. Widory
Stable Isotope Laboratory Manager
3 avenue Claude Guillemin
BP 36009
45060 Orléans Cedex 2
e-mail : [log in to unmask]
Tél. : +33-(0)2 38 64 47 72
Fax : +33-(0)2 38 64 37 11

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