Dear Isogeochemists,
I'd like to ask anyone who has used or is currently using a Sercon 20-20 IRMS for their opinion and experience of this machine regarding application, sensitivity, reliability, maintenance issues, etc. Also, if anyone has used the 20-20 interfaced with the Sercon TOC-Cryoprep, I'm interested to know what you might have to say about this configuration. I'm also interested in how it compares to Thermo instruments (We currently have a Delta V plus).
Thanks very much!
Melissa D. Bautista  BEnvSc (Hons)
IRMS Research Technician
Centre for Coastal Biogeochemistry
Southern Cross University
School of Environmental Science and Resource Mgmt
P.O. Box 157 Lismore NSW Australia
phone: +61 266 269 565
mobile: +61 431 928 278
email: [log in to unmask]

Ventis secundis, tene cursum..