Hi Jeff!
Just want to say it was nice to meet you and that I very much enjoyed the tech pizza last month.

Best regards,


On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 1:57 PM Jeff Mao <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi All,

A couple folks have asked me about the agenda for next week. The agenda is not set because we will be following an "unconference" model. Anyone can submit ideas and topics for roundtable discussions here: https://forms.gle/fHEAmg2WLChsaWTc9

We will use those submissions to complete a simple survey that morning to determine what topics will be covered in the first round of breakout sessions. We'll repeat this process as I know that based on initial conversations, your priorities may shift, or new ideas come up and may be added to the list of ideas. There are multiple breakout rounds through the day. Additionally, there will be a presentation at the start of the day on WiFi 7 to provide you more context about what's coming, and how that the new technologies can be leveraged in a school setting, and what considerations may need to be made when you upgrade.

If you have ideas of things you wish to discuss, please submit them!

We have 4 breakout rooms to use, but depending on what you wish to discuss, that may mean we have more than 4 topics groups in any given round.

Remember, there is no limit to the number of your team that you can attend! We just as that you maintain your annual Institutional membership (only one Institutional membership per SU/District is needed — maintain it at the highest level of your structure — so if you are a district that is a member of the SU, then the SU should have that membership that then includes all the districts in the SU.)

The more voices in the room, the better the conversations!

More info and registration here: https://vita-learn.org/techpizza/


Jeff Mao
Executive Director

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Daniel Silver
Technology Coordinator
Lamoille North Modified Unified Union School District
Johnson Elementary School
57 College Hill Road
Johnson, VT 05656
Cell: 802-696-9966
Office: 802-888-6768


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