On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, Darren R. =?iso-8859-1?Q?Gr=F6cke?= wrote:

> Dear ALL,
> Can anyone refer me to an article which details how we can convert old PDB
> and SMOW data to VPDB and VSMOW?
> Tschüs
> Darren
> ****************************************
> Darren R. Gröcke
> Palaeobotany Research Centre
> Department of Botany
> The University of Adelaide
> South Australia 5005
> Ph: +61 8 8303 3120
> Fax: +61 8 8232 3297
> ****************************************
There is an article (an editorial really) by Tyler Coplen in 
Paleoceanography, Vol. 11, #4, pp.369-370, August 1996, that has some 
details on the conversions as well as some references that might be helpful..

Margaret Ricci
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