
Thanks, that did the trick!! It was a bit tricky getting it adjusted so that
the bellows wouldn't over compress but we worked it out.  Guess I have to
get back to running samples now.

Best Wishes, Margaret

At 04:43 PM 11/25/96 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear Margaret,
>We have SITRA mass specs, but I believe that the bellows are identical.
>If so, you have to adjust the two little flags attached to a rod by the
>bellows. All you need is a small allen key and a little bit of paticenence.
>Actually, to adjust the maximum to 4500 is not important; the computer
>will not care about the number. The important thing, however, is that the
>motor does nort force the bellows too much when opening them, or they could
>be damaged. We recently repalaced the sample bellows and had exactly that
>problem. Adjusting the flags should prevent it happening.
Margaret Lansing
U.S. Dept. of Commerce
National  Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
2205 Commonwealth Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI  48105