Dear All,
...yes, i agree strongly w/Atilla & Mike Palin, although i initially wanted
to unsubscribe. Yes, please lighten up, etc.The responses to Jim O'Neil's
posting have been as interesting and as irritating as the posting itself,
in the same 'witness-to-an-auto-accident' sort of way. Be honest, upon
reading the original posting, which of you thought "...there but for the
grace of (insert name of yer fave Supreme Diety here) go I." I know i did.
So, Jim, better luck w/your 'send' button next time & let's all move on.
Which of you found the ensuing discussion interesting in spite of it all?
For me it was sorta like being forced to watch Jenny Jones or Geraldo &
then finding myself up there on stage. I sincerely hope that Iain & the
others rejoin us at some point. At various times i have found their input
to be uuseful & insightful.

I think Mike Palin has brought up several fascinating scientific &
sociological issues which i know would be much more interesting to discuss
over a beverage or 3 than over a listserver. Perhaps if we find ourselves
(i.e. subscribers) together at a conference, we should make a point to get
together & let the fur fly.

Yours in Science & Humanity,
Dave Wayne

Dave Wayne
Mass Spectrometry Section
CST-8, MSG-740
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM USA 87545
Phone: 505-665-5933 <OR> 505-667-9868
FAX: 505-665-4737