R. Frew, If the sucrose is 1% C-13, this is roughly the natural abundance level for delta C-13. No problem! However, if the sucrose is 99% C-13 and is added to regular sucrose to 1%, then the sucrose is roughly 2% C-13 (ratio 2/98 = 0.0200408) and your permill value vs PDB CO2 is about + 800 o/oo. This might work, but you need to check the linearity in this range with regular and labeled sucrose. Also, talk to your colleague again to verify what he/she is doing and which case or other situation(s) is(are) involved. Glen Martin >Dear All > >I am setting up a lab with a single irms equipped for dual inlet and >continuous flow work via an elemental analyser (Carlo Erba). My >interests are environmental samples at natural abundances. >I have been approached by a physical education student wanting to do >a metabolism study using artificially enrich sucrose (around 1% 13C). >The analyses would be of blood glucose and breath samples. > >My question is, is this type of work compatible with natural >abundance work? My training in trace analysis of metals in seawater >has made me paranoid about contamination. Is there a concern here? > >I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts/experiences. > >regards > >Russell Frew >********************************************************** >Dr Russell Frew [log in to unmask] >Department of Chemistry >University of Otago ph 64-3-479-7913 >P.O. Box 56 fax 64-3-479-7906 >Dunedin, New Zealand >********************************************************** > >