MASS SPECTROMETRY CONFERENCE "Bridging the gap between ion chemistry and biological applications of isotope-ratio mass spectrometry" Topic: 15N/14N analysis by gas chromatography-combustion-reduction-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. When: Saturday, July 18, 1998 Where: Washington University Medical School Eric P. Newman Conference Center St.Louis, MO Purpose: An annual symposium on current advances in mass spectrometry analytical techniques. To couple the techniques developed by analytical chemists/engineers with the analytical needs of human biologists. Intended Audience: Analytical chemists, laboratory technicians, human biologists/physiologists, clinical research investigators, clinicians, geologists, and other allied health professionals. Program: Kevin Yarasheski PhD Conference Chairman Dawn Merritt PhD "Precision, accuracy, and validity of 15N/14N by GC-combustion-reduction-IRMS". Andreas Hilkert PhD "GC separation, combustion and reduction of amino acids for 15N/14N analysis". K.Sree Nair MD PhD "Use of GC-combustion-reduction-IRMS to study human metabolism". Margaret McNurlan PhD "Tracing human arginine metabolism with 15N:Implications for NO synthesis". Alfred Ajami PhD "NO and glutathione: Stable tracer models". Cost: $70.00 REGISTER EARLY! Enrollment is limited to 50 participants. Deadline July 1, 1998. Cost includes conference registration and materials, breakfast, lunch, snacks. Lodging/Travel: Reduced rate rooms are available at the Cheshire Inn, Clayton MO. Ph#800-325-7378; mention the Mass Spectrometry Conference. Lambert-St.Louis airport is a TWA hub. Taxi from Lambert-St. Louis airport to the Cheshire. Shuttle service from the Cheshire to the Conference Center is available. MetroLink from the Conference Center back to the airport. Sponsors: WUMS MS Resource Laboratory, Finnigan MAT, MassTrace, Inc., Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. Mass Spectrometry Conference Registration Form [Deadline July 1, 1998. Space is limited] Name: Institution: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone #: FAX #: E-mail: Registration confirmation will be sent in advance. Please make check/money order payable to Washington University Medical School, Division of Metabolism. Please remember to reserve a room at the Cheshire Inn. Return registration materials to : Anita Zinna Washington University Medical School 660 South Euclid Ave. Metabolism Division BOX 8127 St. Louis, MO 63110 Ph# 314-362-8190 FAX# 314-362-8188 E-mail: [log in to unmask] [log in to unmask] Agenda: Topic: 15N/14N analysis by gas chromatography-combustion-reduction-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. When: Saturday, July 18, 1998 Where: Washington University Medical School Eric P. Newman Conference Center St.Louis, MO Agenda: 0800-0900a Registration/Presenters Arrive/Continental Breakfast Served 0900a Conference Begins/Opening Remarks 0915-1015a Presenter: Dawn Merritt, PhD "Precision, accuracy, validity of GC-combustion-reduction-IRMS." 1015-1030a Questions 1030-1130a Presenter: Andreas Hilkert, PhD "GC separation, combustion, and reduction of amino acids for 15N/14N analysis" 1130-1145a Questions/Discussion 1145-1245 LUNCH served in Conference Center 1300-1400p Presenter: K.S. Nair, MD, PhD "Use of GC-C-R-IRMS to study human metabolism" 1400-1415p Questions 1415-1515p Presenter: Margaret McNurlan, PhD "Tracing arginine metabolism with 15N: Implications for NO synthesis" 1515-1530p Questions 1530-1630p Presenter: Alfred Ajami, PhD "NO and glutathione: Stable tracer models" 1630-1730p Questions/Discussion 1700 Conference Adjourns Following adjournment, a tour of the Washington University Medical School MS Resource is available. Please e-mail Kevin Yarasheski if you would like to participate ([log in to unmask]) Don't forget to reserve your room at the Cheshire Inn (PH# 800-325-7378) ================================================================ | Dr. Andrea Lini | Stable Isotope Laboratory | | Department of Geology | Phone: (802) 656 02 45 | | University of Vermont | Fax: (802) 656 00 45 | | Burlington, VT 05405 | E-mail:[log in to unmask] | | U.S.A. | ISOGEOCHEM list-owner | ================================================================ | ISOGEOCHEM URL: | ================================================================