
>Two postdoctoral positions in the Ecology Center, Utah State University
>Postdoctoral position - Plant Ecophysiology/Ecosystem Ecology in Utah
>We anticipate a post-doctoral position will be available beginning fall
>1998 in the Ecology Center, Utah State University.  The successful
>applicant will be part of an interdisciplinary project examining
>temporal changes in resource availability in sagebrush-bunchgrass,
>juniper, and annual grass dominated communities in
>the Great Basin.  The postdoc will be involved in research examining the
>role of "hydraulic lift", root depth distributions, and soil depth in
>community-level gas exchange, water relations, stem flux, foliage area
>index, and nitrogen acquisition.  Most of the work will be at a field
>site in central Utah and require some irregular hours.  Natural
>abundance of stable isotopes will also be involved.  Applicants must
>have completed a Ph.D. in plant ecology or a related field by the
>starting date, be able to drive to remote field sites, and have
>demonstrated abilities in written and oral communication.  Experience
>with isotopes (15N, 13C, 14C), plant gas exchange analysis, soil
>psychrometry, plant water relations, computer data bases, spreadsheets
>and techniques for soil and plant tissue analysis are desirable.  The
>appointment will be for two years with extensions possible, depending on
>performance.  Send a C.V., a statement of research interests, copies of
>representative publications, and names, addresses, telephone numbers,
>and e-mail addresses of three references to: Martyn Caldwell, Ecology
>Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5205.  AA/EOE.
>Postdoctoral position - Plant Ecophysiology/Ecosystem
>Ecology/Environmental Photobiology in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina and
>We anticipate a postdoctoral position will be available beginning fall
>1998 in the Ecology Center, Utah State University.  The successful
>applicant will be part of an established interdisciplinary project
>examining ecosystem-level responses to solar ultraviolet radiation
>manipulations in southernmost Argentina (Tierra del Fuego).  The postdoc
>will be involved in experiments testing effects on vegetation growth and
>morphology, plant pigments, epidermal characteristics, herbivory, litter
>decomposition, Sphagnum growth and microbial and microfauna community
>structure, and other responses.  Applicants must have completed a Ph.D.
>in plant ecology or a related field by the starting date, be willing to
>live in Tierra del Fuego approximately half of the year (October -
>March), be able to drive to field sites, and have demonstrated abilities
>in written and oral communication.  A basic knowledge of conversational
>Spanish is highly desirable.  Knowledge and experience with solar
>ultraviolet radiation measurements and dosimetry, microbial techniques,
>Sphagnum biology, and litter decomposition experiments, computer data
>bases and spreadsheets is also desirable.  The appointment will be for
>two years with extensions possible, depending on performance.  Send a
>C.V., a statement of research interests, copies of representative
>publications, and names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail
>addresses of three references to: Martyn Caldwell, Ecology Center, Utah
>State University, Logan, UT 84322-5205.  AA/EOE.

|    Dr. Andrea Lini           |  Stable Isotope Laboratory    |
|    Department of Geology     |  Phone: (802) 656 02 45       |
|    University of Vermont     |  Fax:   (802) 656 00 45       |
|    Burlington, VT 05405      |  E-mail:[log in to unmask]     |
|    U.S.A.                    |  ISOGEOCHEM  list-owner       |