
I'm sure the medical literature is full of good examples, but also try
these sources:

Chapman, T.E., Berger, R., Reijngoud, D.J., and Okken, A.  1990.  Stable
isotopes in paediatric nutritional and metabolic research. Intercept Ltd,
Hanover, England. 317p.

Hobson, K.A., Alisauskas, R.T., and Clark, R.G. 1993. Stable-nitrogen
isotope enrichment in avian tissues due to fasting and nutritional stress:
implications for isotopic analyses of diet. Condor 95: 388-394.

Mellon, F.A., and Sandström, B.  1996.  Stable isotopes in human nutrition:
inorganic nutrient metabolism. Academic Press, New York. 156p.

At 09:59 AM 9/24/1998 -0600, you wrote:
>I'm trying to help a colleague in another department who conducts research
>into the behavior of human eating disorders.  I understand that there is a
>good literature on the isotopic effects of starvation in animals.  Can
>anyone suggest a reference or two?
>Steve Nelson
>Dept. of Geology
>S389 ESC
>Brigham Young University
>Provo. Utah  84602
>voice:  1-801-378-8688
>FAX:  1-801-378-8143
>"INTEL INSIDE" is a warning label

Richard (Rick) Doucett    
Ph.D. Candidate             * nullum gratuitum prandium *
Department of Biology            *** there is no free lunch ***
University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2L 3G1
ph: 519-888-4567, ext. 5106
fax: 519-746-0614
email: [log in to unmask]