Howdy everyone, A couple of years ago there were several postings to this list about KBr salt crystals and their use as an F2 getter. These postings in the isogeochem archives came to my attention about a month ago during a search for information on KBr, and I have been a member of the list since then. I am researching an intriguing possibility concerning the chemistry of Io, and it might turn out that the exchange of ions in KBr crystals plays a critical role in the investigation I describe below. I would like to ask for help and advice from anyone who might be interested. The 1979 Voyager images of volcanos of Jupiter's satellite Io put new pizzazz into the meaning of astrochemistry. SO2, being a major component of terrestrial volcanos, was viewed as a good candidate, and the very good fit between the features near 4 $B&L (Bm in lab spectra of solid SO2 on one hand and those in the observed spectrum of Io on the other made it virtually certain that SO2 is present on Io. Although there were suggestions back in 1979 that other molecules present in terrestrial volcanos might also be present on Io, apparently none have been detected. The terrestrial volcano analogue might cause us to wonder if hydrogen halides are among the ejected constituents of Io's volcanos. While thinking about this possibility, I discovered that there is a striking correspondence between the details of the 4- $B&L (Bm features of matrix-isolated HBr with those of both solid SO2 and Io. An exact comparison is not possible with the information available at present, because the HBr spectra were taken under different conditions than those of SO2. Nevertheless, taking into consideration temperature, matrix species, concentration of sample to matrix, and a few others, the HBr spectrum at 4 $B&L (Bm cannot be distinguished from the nu1 + nu3 combination band of SO2. One, of course, is prepared to encounter such magnificent coincidences occasionally, but several factors cause me to suspect that this is not a coincidence. I suspect that HBr has contaminated the SO2 spectra and that the features near 4 $B&L (Bm seen in SO2 spectra belong not to SO2 but to HBr. The factors that have influenced me include several independent lines of evidence, which I shall not go into, that argue in favor of the halogens being at more than one location in the solar system. The primary factor, however, is that KBr salt crystals are almost universal in spectroscopy, either as windows, as substrate, or as reference material. KBr has been in contact with SO2 gas as well as with traces of H2SO4 and H2O in all SO2 spectroscopic experiments. Under these circumstances, and given the striking similarity of the HBr spectrum with the 2457 cm^-1 band of SO2, would it be prudent to ask whether the KBr could have been a source of HBr and whether the HBr might have been condensed along with SO2 onto the substrate during spectroscopic experiments with SO2? In order to find out whether my imagination is overactive concerning this contamination hypothesis, I would like to ask members of this list if HBr could possibly be produced by the action of sulfuric acid, HF, and / or HCl on KBr crystals. If it could then be shown that one of more of these species might have been present inside the experimental systems in previous experiments with SO2, this would provide a rationale for doing new experiments to confirm or rule out HBr contamination. H2SO4 is sometimes a contaminant in bottled SO2, and in 1994, Schmitt et al reported that it was a certified contaminant in their SO2 lecture bottle at 35 ppm. According to the solubility values for KBr and K2SO4, if there were to be a small speck of sulfuric acid in contact with a KBr crystal, such as might form if there were to be a tiny leak at the edge of one of the KBr windows, sulfate anions would precipitate with the K+ while at the same time KBr would dissolve, and the speck of solution would be quickly transformed from sulfuric acid into hydrobromic acid. Under vacuum, which is how Schmitt et al deposited their samples, HBr, whose vapor pressure is much higher than H2O, might be expected to sublimate faster than H2O from concentrated hydrobromic acid. Because the 4 $B&L (Bm band of HBr is a strong fundamental, it would take a quantity measured only in micromoles to produce detectable absorption at 4 $B&L (Bm. Sulfuric acid would not be the only thing that might displace Br from the KBr crystal. Cl and F anions will almost always displace Br. So any rogue HF or HCl reaching the KBr window (or reaching an aqueous solution leaking in at the edge of it) could possibly cause the release of HBr. Schmitt's spectrum of the 2457 cm^-1 band of SO2 was taken of a sample deposited on a MgF2 substrate for 13 hours at 1 $B&L (Bm/hour. How much F and Cl might be expected to have come into the sample chamber during that time period from the vacuum system, from the substrate, or that outgassed from the cryostat housing, the deposition lines, etc? Do you know of any other mechanism by which HBr might be produced by the action of SO2 on KBr? Is there anything else about the experimental details I have mentioned that would cause one to be on the lookout for contaminant HBr? This investigation must be viewed as a long-shot (or as crazy), because planetary specialists are very much convinced that Io's surface material is 'really' SO2. However, there have been a very few times during the course of scientific investigation that what was thought to 'really' be true was not, in fact, true. One of the topics on this list a few weeks ago concerned the dogma about Ag3PO4 darkening if exposed to light, and a consensus developed that the dogma was simply not true. In the present case, it is my feeling that the proximity of a potential source of bromine atoms to experimental samples during SO2 spectroscopy and the correspondence between the 4- $B&L (Bm spectral features of HBr and SO2 leave room for reasonable doubt about the interpretation of the 4 $B&L (Bm absorption features seen in IR spectroscopy of SO2. If HBr is one of the main molecular species on Io, whether or not SO2 is also present, we will have made a significant advance in understanding the chemistry of the solar system. Please let me know your reactions and your comments. Your expertise, especially regarding ion exchanges in KBr crystals with the possible production of HBr, will be greatly appreciated. With best regards, Martin Reference: Schmitt, Bernard et al, Icarus 111, 79-105, 1994. "Identification of three absorption bands in the 2- $B&L (Bm spectrum of Io" ********************************************* Martin Peters Kanagawa Dental College Inaoka-cho 82 Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa 238 JAPAN Phone: 0468 25 1500 ext 260 alternate email: [log in to unmask] **********************************************