Stable Isotope Research Manager

We have a vacancy for a post-doctoral Stable Isotope Research Manager in
the Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Duties will be split between day-to-day management of laboratory operations
(including user training,  troubleshooting and promoting new lines of
research)  and carrying out high quality research in applied stable isotope
geochemistry. Research interest in palaeoclimate isotope proxies, low
temperature geochemistry or fluid processes would be an advantage.

The Royal Holloway laboratories have VG/Micromass Prism and Optima mass
spectrometers with a full range of on-line preparation systems for stable
isotope analysis. These include a continuous He-flow Isochrome system for
routine analysis of C, N, S isotopes; an automated laser-ablation GC system
for in-situ analysis of carbonates and sulphides, two laser-fluorination
systems (one automated) for 18O analysis of silicates and phosphates, an
automatic carbonate system and a stepped heating line for fluid inclusion
analysis. Stable isotope facilities are supported by modern analytical
facilities including ICP, XRF, TIMS and multicollector ICPMS.

The post will be available later this year and may be supported for up to 5

Preliminary enquiries are encouraged via email or telephone to:

Dr. Dave Mattey, Geology Dept, Royal Holloway College, University of
London, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX

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Tel       01784 443582   (Dept/office/labs)
            07887 595167   (mobile)