Dear friends, I am writing a chapter for Pier de Groot's book on Stable Isotope Analytical Techniques. My contribution deals with the use of molecular sieves in stable isotope isotope work - mostly with emphasis on zeolites (by default). I am having trouble digging up references dealing with this topic since in most publications the molecular sieve is simply part of the method and thus usually excluded from the title or key words. I am therefore asking those of you how have used molecular sieves in your work to either send me a reference or a reprint. I am looking for examples of the use of molecular sieves in: attainment of good vacuum gas sampling purification of gases mixtures (or liquids) cryotrapping This would include vacuum lines, GCs, and CF instruments. This will include water, nitrogen, oxygen, methane, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide etc. I expect that most of you have worked with zeolites (types A and X) but I would appreciate to hear about uses of other molecular sieves such as ALPOs (Aluminophosphates) and CMS (carbon molecular sieve , not the same as activated charcoal). If possible specify the trade name and condition (e.g. pellets). Thank you very much, Hal Karlsson Dr. Haraldur R. Karlsson Associate Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences, and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (joint) Texas Tech University Box 41053 Lubbock, TX 79409, USA (806)-742-3130 office (806)-742-3112 lab (806)-742-0100 Dept. fax