Dear list members, I am looking for a candidate for a PhD thesis on the application of GC C IRMS (C13 and N15) applied to the authentication of the origin of organic samples. URGENT : the research project will begin in December 1999. To apply for a thesis in France the candidates must have a DEA or equivalent (MSc, ArbeitA,..) The research work will be done in a lab in Paris. The candidates should have a chemical education and experience in analytical techniques, preferably MS,GC or ideally IRMS. Anyone interested may contact me directly by any means at the following address. Cheers. Norbert Pr Norbert Naulet L A I E M University of Nantes 2 rue de la Houssinière 44322 Nantes Cedex 3 France Tel: ++33 2 51 12 57 08 Fax: ++33 2 51 12 57 12 Email [log in to unmask]