Why the difference between dates?  One entity is filing from April 1st -
March 31st and here Linda is filing from April 2nd - April 1st.  That one
day - April 1st - is the key issue here and it looks like it's being
treated differently.

At 08:41 AM 04/20/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Nettie,
>We file our PTRS in a three ring binder alphabetically by buyer.  They are
>grouped together by the Lister's fiscal year, April 2nd - April 1st.  We
>archive the PTRS in a file box with the dates listed on the outside for
>retrieval.  When a PTR comes into our office it is immediately filed into
>the three ring binder and a copy is given to the Listers.  As far as
>charges, I charge a dollar a copy of a PTR.  Take care and have a nice
>Easter. Linda:)

Funny, how we parents think our children never
listen, only to see them mimic our actions.....
What kind of a role model have you been today?
