Here in Stamford, we index the selectmen's minutes on the computer in a
word processing document.  We use broad headings like "roads",
"employees", "dogs", "executive session".  Under those main headings,
i.e. "roads" we put the year, brief description i.e. "March flood
damage" , then book and page of where it can be found in the selectmen's
minute book.  At the end of each year we run a hard copy, so I will have
all years in one book.  It has been very helpful in the past.  Nancy

Colleen Haag wrote:

> hELLO TO ALL!!: I am interested if there are other towns who might
> have a computerized indexing system for their Selectboard minutes.
> How are other towns filing and indexing their minutes?  Any feedback
> would be helpful.  Thanks in advance for any thougts or ideas you
> might have!!!! Colleen HaagShelburne