Here in Stamford, we index the selectmen's minutes on the computer in a word processing document.  We use broad headings like "roads",  "employees", "dogs", "executive session".  Under those main headings, i.e. "roads" we put the year, brief description i.e. "March flood damage" , then book and page of where it can be found in the selectmen's minute book.  At the end of each year we run a hard copy, so I will have all years in one book.  It has been very helpful in the past.  Nancy 

Colleen Haag wrote:

hELLO TO ALL!!: I am interested if there are other towns who might have a computerized indexing system for their Selectboard minutes.  How are other towns filing and indexing their minutes?  Any feedback would be helpful.  Thanks in advance for any thougts or ideas you might have!!!! Colleen HaagShelburne