School Board Minutes

Tuesday, July 18, 2000



Roberta Barone, Kent Holden, Karen Horn, Wavell Cowan, Dave Deutl, John & Nancy Daigle, Dennis Bache, Michelle Baker, Bill Riegel, Dave Mace (Times Argus Reporter), Jeanne Lamica

6:25 p.m.

Kent Holden opened the meeting with approval of June 13, 2000 MES Minutes. Wavell Cowan made two changes: (1) In Moretown Dilemma section Dave Deutl motioned to authorize Kent Holden (not Wavell Cowan) to send letter to David Wolk; (2) In Project New Governance section the words "and teachers" were added at the end of the following sentence: "Wavell Cowan reported that Dick King instructed Robin Pierce not to distribute these to the Harwood students." Kent motioned to approve minutes as amended. Dave Deutl seconded. Passed unanimously.

6:40 p.m.

John and Nancy Daigle requested to the Board that their three children be enrolled at the Moretown School for the 2000/2001 school year as they expect to establish Moretown residency by the end of October, 2001. After brief discussion, Wavell Cowan motioned pending evidence the Daigle’s house is under construction and evidence of residency prior to 90-Student Enrollment Days, the Board will allow M/M Daigle’s three children to enroll in Moretown Elementary School for the school year beginning August 30, 2000. In the event of residency is not provided by 90 Student Enrollment Days, then these children will be considered full tuition children. Karen Horn seconded. Passed unanimously.

6:50 p.m. Moretown Dilemma

Wavell motioned that the board pass the proposed solution presented to the VSBA which is based on the equity concepts fundamental to Act 60 and mandated by the supreme court, therefore be it resolved that the Vermont Legislature should begin the process of altering the way the state funds special education so that by the end of the next biennium a new system will be in place which ensures that the local tax burden required to fund special education is fairly distributed to all school districts in the state, in accord with the principles mandated by the supreme court. Karen Horn seconded. Passed unanimously.

Dennis Bache asked would it be appropriate if Harwood were to adopt the same resolution concerning the State funding of Special Ed as MES has done? Wavell Cowan explained that the State deadline for submitting resolutions had already passed and thus it is too late for Harwood to present a resolution to the VSBA.

Kent Holden mentioned that Dick King had sent a letter inviting MES board to the Harwood Board meeting. However, once again the letter was received after the meeting had already taken place.

Michelle Baker, WWSU Business Manager and Bill Riegel presented the MES Financial Report as of June 30, 2000. Michelle will present in September the first financial report for the 2000/2001 school year which will also include July and August of 2001. Michelle’s goal is to present each school year financial report on the month of September. Notably MES shows a fund balance of $3,616.00! Even though miscellaneous grants, i.e. construction fund, were not included in report, she does not expect large fluctuations in future financial reports.

WWSU audit is scheduled for August 14, 2000. Michelle wants to receive all school boards special ed reports in time for the audit. Special Ed board warrants will be given to Roberta Barone for MES board to decide. Karen Horn motioned to set up a special committee of three---Kent Holden, Karen Horn and Wavell Cowan—to be in effect till August 15 for the purpose of authorizing Special Ed board orders. Dave Deutl seconded. Passed unanimously.

WWSU Transportation Contract

Karen Horn motioned to accept the FY 2000-2001 WWSU Transportation Contract. Wavell Cowan seconded. Board engaged in discussion and motion was defeated by 3 No’s and 1 Abstain. Transportation Contract is not by state statute.

Dave Deutl motioned to approve partial payment of $40,046.23 for MES portion of Transportation costs. Wavell Cowan seconded. Passed unanimously.

Harwood Assessment

Dennis Bache of the Harwood Union Board informed MES they could receive a $21,626.00 credit. Before this happens MES is to agree and the other 5 towns need to agree. Kent Holden reported that Moretown Select Board member John Hogenboom said the Select Board will back up MES decision regarding the Harwood Assessment. Discussion of the Harwood Assessment is tabled until MES board member Mike Strojny returns.

8:05 p.m. Policies

Bill Riegel has formed a Policy Manual committee that includes a one representative from Warren School, Harwood Union, Duxbury and himself. This manual is to include each individual school policy of the WWSU into one reference manual. He will place an ad in newspaper warning a public hearing at least 10 days prior to the meeting to. MES does not want to be included in the ad because the Board wanted more time for voters and the board itself to digest the policy manual which is sixty odd pages long.

Other Business

AFS program and Local Education Plan is tabled for August MES meeting.

Dave Deutl motioned to display "The Declaration of Independence", "The Constitution of the United States", "The Bill of Rights" and "The Ten Commandments" in our school. After much discussion and no second, the motion was not acted on.

Governance Report

On Thursday, September 7, 2000, all district school board members and principals will attend a workshop from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Principal’s Report

Wavell Cowan motioned for Kent Holden to sign the following personnel contracts: I NEED THEIR NAMES Karen Horn seconded. Passed unanimously

9:00 p.m. Executive Session

Into Executive Session for two purposes of (1) discussion of attorney advice that entailed attorney-client privilege and administrative process that may develop into litigation and (2) personnel contractual issues.

9:20 p.m. Out of Executive Session

Wavell Cowan motioned to accept one year leave of absence for Brenda Hartshorn. Karen Horn seconded. Passed unanimously.

Kent Holden motioned to offer Lauren Cammann a new contract salary of $21,058.84 for 220 days of work plus the cost of 6 credits for a total of $1,840.00. Karen Horn seconded. Passed unanimously.

Wavell Cowan motioned to accept a 1.7% salary increase in Roberta Barone’s one year contract with no rollover. Karen Horn seconded. Passed unanimously.

Dave Deutl motioned to approve check warrant #48 in the amount of $163,239.73, check warrant #49 in the amount of $8,475.62 and check warrant #3 in the amount of $33,374.64. Karen Horn seconded. Passed unanimously.

Kent Holden stated that the Board will not take any action on the Harwood Assessment issue until the full Board is present which should be the August 8th meeting.

Signed by:___________________________Dated:______________________________

Kent Holden, Clerk