I can only do my best to provide the best education that the Elementary students in Moretown can afford. We cannot fret about $$ at the high school level that we do not control. It's up to the taxpayers to vote on that budget.
    I want to know what effect special education increases have on the MES budget, specifically the extraordinary expenses. I also want to know what our increase might have been with 'normally' expected or 'average' special ed expenses. I also want to know that our regular ed students are not losing in this budget unless we are going to cut services to all students equally.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Moretown Educational [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Roberta Barone
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 2:47 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FY 02 budget update

After comparing the FY 00 actuals with the FY 02 budget and viewing budget development through a different lens, i.e. removing all "just in case" and "what if " scenarios we have possible reductions totaling $31,505 and additional revenues totaling $6,645.
However, most recent estimates from Harwood indicate a 4.83% increase.
Therefore, the estimated actual education tax, using current estimates is $2.12180, a 5.4% increase.
I don't know about you but I am completely discouraged.