>If number of tickets sold is a real concern to shareholders (hope so), I >propose a snowboarder day at Mr.G. which for one day, or even a half >day, would allow 2-edgers on the hallowed trails. And I'm not talking >about monoboards or a July outing. Maybe each member of the co-op could >be allowed one paying guest-rider. > >My skiing was never adequate to test the bumper sticker phrase, but I >sure would like a chance on a board. My motto, "Mad River Glen, can't >ride it". Maybe someday. > arrrghhh- them's fighting words...you have everywhere in the country but 5 places - be happy with that and no whining please. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SkiVt-L is brought to you by the University of Vermont. To unsubscribe, visit http://list.uvm.edu/archives/skivt-l.html