On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 15:58:04 EST, Ian M <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>    On that note i have heard a story that once a few years ago mad river
>no problem with snowboarding on the mountain, then when a shareholder
>they should be only alowed on certain days this got the riders very upset
>they swore and yelled at the certin share holder, obviously upsetting the
>person, because these snowboarders were no doubt out of line.

I always hear a different story.  The version I got was that there was some
problem related to unloading the single and snowboards.  This got Betsy
Pratt involved, who then got in to some sort of altercation with some
boarders, which led to the ban.  Seems to me this all happened long
about '95 or so?  I'd love to hear the authentic version from a someone who
knows the exact details, and not just the myth...

>If this is not a rumor why should others be punished or why doesnt mad
>river only allow boarders of a certain ability on the hill, the would be a
>bit hard to monitor

Too hard to monitor, I would think.  I'm not sure that the ban has to do
only with the pushing of snow off the hill, but also with the "unique
character" of MRG, as well as the effect even good snowboarders have on
both the glades and the bump fields.  One has only to ski MRG and Jay Peak
on consecutive days after a storm to see the difference.  Jay's marked
glades get "groomed" out by the boarders pretty quickly (which can be a
good thing in certain snow conditions), while MRG's tend to simply get "cut
up" as time goes on.  Really not so much of an issue in a snow year like
this, but it can be a big issue in a poor snow year.

>Maybe one should create a board only resort??

I suppose I had always heard that a couple of these did exist in CA.
Anyone care to confirm?  If they do, more power to 'em.

-Jim B.

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