>wahhhhh...stop your whining...if the number of boarders who possessed
>genuine ability was greater than 0.05% maybe it wouldn't be such an issue.
>Do you like this sound - SCRAPE, SCRAPE, SCRRRRAPPPE - that's the sound of
>the typical heel edging rider coming down any sort of steep terrain...
Uh oh, you're going to catch hell for saying that.
I love how people complain about how it's unfair that MRG doesn't allow snowboarding. Mad River is the only place in New England that doesn't allow boarding, so that means you can still snowboard on 99.999% of the rest of terrain in the region. But people still bitch. It means one of two things: they're either too lazy to climb for cool runs in the backcountry or MRG has the best lift-served skiing around. If all the trails at MRG were as exciting as Stratton I don't think we'd hear the complaints. This just means Mad River kicks ass. It's not like one person who makes the rules has a vendetta against snowboarders. The issue is voted on annually by the skiers in a democratic manner. What's the matter with being a little different in this day of the homogenized mega-resort? Besides, Mad River's terrain doesn't suit snowboarders all that well. There are several places where you have to ski uphill for short sections or traverse long distances, particularly in the woods. Snowboarders tend to be a menace on traverses and usually don't realize the harm that they cause by postholing out through the snow. Usually it's just a huge inconvenience to ski amongst frozen postholes. Other times, like when Jerm and I were traversing out into the canyon behind Solitude, it's dangerous to try to ski over the holes punched in a traverse that contours a 35 degrees slope above thought provoking terrain.
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