What if they don't know how to alpine ski??  I don't think MRG is a good
choice for the party simply due to the no boarder rule.  I like Killington
for the party but that tends to fall on deaf ears.  There are a lot of
boarders on this list I would like to meet and I believe I have only met one
at the two parties I have been to and that's Gil.  FWIW  Jimski

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrenochrome" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 11:54 AM

> RE: [SKIVT-L] SKI VT PARTEE was Happy Smile PatrolFrom: Genevieve Watson
> > So if other people (for example those that ride the single not the
> boards)
> > want to participate in this said party, I guess that's not possible as
> at MRG?
> I believe if you show up with a snowboard they'll set you up with alpine
> rental gear gratis...  At least, that's what I have heard.

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