Just trying to stir things up a bit... No whining here, no bitching, just a lament and a wish for boarding access to the great terrain. I suppose that behavior, attitude and skill of many boarders have much to do with MRG's position. If snowboarding had come first, which it didn't, would the die-hard shredders have been quick to share their runs with skiers on the funny-looking equipment, sporting conservative hairstyles, using dangerous, sharp poles and wearing gaudy, tight-fitting Bogner outfits? I doubt it, especially if the newcomers mouthed off to the resort owner. BTW, scrape, scrape, scrape, this season? On what, McIce? The waterfalls of Tusk? -Bruno - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SkiVt-L is brought to you by the University of Vermont. To unsubscribe, visit http://list.uvm.edu/archives/skivt-l.html