Kent had asked that Melissa Anderson,1/2 teacher filling in for Pam Dow next
year, come to the July meeting.  I had arranged for her to come on the 10th
and she is unable to come on the 11th.  Please let me know if you wish to
meet her at the August meeting.  RB

----- Original Message -----
From: Wavell Cowan <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 8:56 AM
Subject: Agenda

> Hi Folks:
> Hereafter proposed agenda for next week's meeting (note: Wed, July
> 11th).  Forward any additions to me - if received will reissue a final
> agenda .... Wavell
> Warning
> Rescheduled Regular School Board Meeting
> Wednesday, July 11th, 2001
> Moretown Elementary School Library
> ***5:45 p.m.***
>  5:45 pm   Call to Order
> Current Business
> 1.  Approval of Minutes of June 12th regular board meeting.
> 2.  Approval of Board Orders.
> 3.  Fuel oil purchasing information and contract consideration.
> 4.  Potential liability re treated wood in playground equipment.
> 5.  District-wide teacher contract implications for Moretown
> negotiations.
> Old Business/Updates
> 1.  re Paddy Hill Road residents bussing request.
> 2.  re formula for allocation of IDEA money.
> 3.  re Joe Gabaree - payments being made?
> 4.  Sp.Ed. - strategy review and update.
> 5.  WWSU - strategy review and update.
> 6.  Update re After School Program - workshop? other?
> 7.  Update re Student Handbook - Karen?
> Discussion Topics
> 1.  Roberta's 5 minute feature.
> 2.  Review of Roberta's computer technology update.
> 3.  Update re sustained classroom time and 2nd language program.
> 8:15 pm   Adjournment