----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 10:43
Subject: To the UVM Community re: UVM
FROM: William Tickner,
Student Government Association President
Colodny, Interim President
We suffered an unprecedented tragedy last
week. September 11th is a day that will not soon be forgotten. The
terrorist acts of this day shocked our community, our nation, and our
world. Thanks to the leadership of concerned students, we now have an
opportunity as a community to help those in need.
Many UVM student organizations and departments
have come together and created the "UVM CARES" Campaign to raise at least
$25,000 to help the victims of September 11th. To do this, the money
raised will be contributed to the Red Cross and United Way "September 11th
We need the UVM community to participate
vigorously in order to make the goal a reality.
Starting today and running through next
Wednesday, there will be boxes set up arouind campus to make a donation.
There will be one box at the main desk of all dorm complexes, 2 in the
Billings Student Center, 1 in the library and several at the UVM
Clubs at UVM have also come together to provide
several events to help us reach this goal.
Opportunities to give include:
ALL WEEK: Buy 50/50 raffle tickets upstairs
in Billings near Cook Commons
WEDNESDAY: Opening BBQ at Billings
THURSDAY: Coin drop at the intersection of
Main Street and South Prospect Street
FRIDAY: Collections will be accepted at the
UVM women's soccer game at 3:30PM at Centennial Field
SATURDAY: Collections will be accepted on
Church Street
SUNDAY: We'll be collecting donations at
the women's soccer game at 1:00PM
MONDAY: Donations will be accepted in the
Library. Cat Scratch may be an available way to donate.
TUESDAY: Coffee and donuts will be served
to all those who donate in front of the Library.
WEDNESDAY: Closing event just outside of
Billings Student Center. 50/50 raffle given away, free Ben & Jerry's
Ice Cream and presentation of money raised.
You can also send checks to the Student
Government Association at 48 University Place, Burlington, VT 05405.
Please make checks payable to The September 11th Fund.
Thank you for your support and