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Subject: Testing Systems Not ESEA-Ready in Most States  (NBS#1161)(A/A)
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News Brief #1161   Category: Assessment & Accountability
TITLE: "Testing Systems in Most States Not ESEA-Ready"

The federal education legislation signed into law by President Bush this week requires states to start giving annual math and reading tests to students in grades 3-8 no later than the 2005-2006 school year. The tests must be aligned with each state's academic standards.

A survey by Education Week shows that the vast majority of states have a lot of work to do to meet that requirement. Only nine states currently give standards-based tests in both subjects in grades 3-8.

Some states are hoping the federal government will allow them to use a combination of state and local assessments to meet the requirements. Secretary of Education Rod Paige has indicated that such a mixed system might meet the requirements, but only if states establish a process to review and approve local assessments to ensure that they are aligned with academic standards.

Paige has said that data from a mixed system of tests would also have to be compatible enough to allow for comparisons from grade to grade.

The law requires states to use test results to produce individual interpretive and diagnostic reports on students. The results must be broken down by gender, racial and ethnic group, migrant status, English proficiency, disability and income.

A major weakness in the law is its failure to indicate whether tests must be comparable across all grades and schools, said Amy Wilkins, a policy analyst for the Education Trust.  "You want the 4th grade teacher to be able to interpret the 3rd grade data, and you won't be able to with this mishmash of tests over time," she said.

SOURCE: Education Week, 09 January 2002 (p. 01)

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