I got to look at the Cypress and was pretty impressed. In fact I am trying to get my hospital to purchase one. I thought the image resolution was pretty good for a small system. The Doppler was very good, which is was impressed me the most. I only used it for one day but we had several difficult patients. The system did well. I have done carotids and veins with it. We also played around a bit with some peripheral arterial imaging. Our echo people like it very much for their portable echos. Ann Marie Kupinski Karmody Vascular Laboratory Albany Medical College Albany, NY >>> [log in to unmask] 11/28/02 01:10PM >>> Our cardiology group currently uses the Cypress for cardiac studies in a satellite office. The doctors would like to offer carotid duplex services to those patients. Siemens recently demonstrated the vascular package for the Cypress; it seemed okay for the few patients we scanned. Is anyone out there using the Cypress for carotids? Feedback please, one way or the other, regarding vascular application (carotids only) on the Cypress. Do you know if an abdominal package for the Cypress is on it's way or not; I've heard conflicting reports. Thanks, Elaine To unsubscribe or search other topics on UVM Flownet link to: http://list.uvm.edu/archives/uvmflownet.html To unsubscribe or search other topics on UVM Flownet link to: http://list.uvm.edu/archives/uvmflownet.html