IRA, I wanted to remind all of you of 2 pending co-sponsorship requests still on the table. We decided to vote on these when we came back and it's time already! I know time goes by so fast. As a reminder we are voting on the request from Dani from Student Life to help bring Anna Deverre-Smith. This on we need to vote on THIS COMING meeting. The meeting is this Monday Jan. 20th at 8pm in Jeanne Mance. IRA reps should have all the information about this funding request. PLEASE get in contact with them to let them know what your communitty thinks. I saw a presentation on her and she seems like she would bring a lot of great issues to light! The next co-sponsorship is requested from Melisa, who is also in Student Life. This is asking for funding to bring David Chapelle, a comedian from Comedy Central. This one would also be nice to get decided upon by next meeting. Like the previous request, I don't have exact details but IRA reps will. PLEASE make contact with your IRA reps to get your voice heard! They are pretty heafy amounts requested, but they're great programs! Hope all is well. See you Monday night. If you have any questions email me at [log in to unmask] Thanks! Keith Upton