Despite the rotten weather, I noticed some nice birds today (April 5) at two stops during an afternoon trip from Plainfield to Grand Isle. A flooded cornfield at the corner of US Route 2 and Country Club Road in Plainfield included four (!) species of shorebird: Canada Goose Wood Duck (2) Mallards Black Ducks Killdeer (2) Semipalmated Plover (5 -- not doing well at all) Common Snipe (1) American Woodcock (1) A flock of 52 Killdeer flew over the village of East Montpelier nearby. At Sandbar State Park: Great Blue Heron (2) Common Goldeneye (~15) Bufflehead (2) Northern Pintail (1) Common Merganser (6) Bald Eagle (1) Tree Swallow (2) American Tree Sparrows (singing!) The singing Tree Sparrows really helped me through the day. Bryan Pfeiffer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vermont Bird Tours 113 Bartlett Road Plainfield, VT 05667 Web: E-Mail: [log in to unmask] Phone: (802) 454-4640 Enjoy Life. Watch Birds! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~