Hi Kim: It depends on what is missing. The law requires town clerks to accept a PTR only if it is "complete and regular on its face." 32 VSA 9607. In my opinion as attorney for PVR, I think that all "information that the commissioner of taxes may reasonably require for the proper administration of [the transfer tax]" needs to be included, along with the flood, subdivision and Act 250 disclosure certificates. 32 VSA 9606 (b)(c). Short answer is: Sections A; B; L or M through P; the section entitled "Flood and Subdivision Regulations and Act 250 Certificates"; and the parties must sign the form. Finally, if the property is enrolled in current use, the parties are obligated to fill in section K, pursuant to 32 VSA 3757(e). Some town clerks interpret "complete and regular on its face" to require that many more of the boxes be filled in. We encourage that interpretation, but recognize that a town clerk can reasonably interpret section 9607 to require the minimum identified above. Please call me if you have questions. Or call Sherry Barney, Tax Examiner at the Tax Department who deals with this stuff all the time and knows it thoroughly. Her number is 828-2542. Charles L. Merriman Special Assistant Attorney General Department of Taxes, Division of Property Valuation and Review PO Box 429 State Street Montpelier, Vermont 05601-0429 Tel. (802) 828-2731 Facsimile (802) 828-5873 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kim Pombar" <[log in to unmask]> To: <[log in to unmask]> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 9:19 AM Subject: VPTTR > When a property transfer comes in with missing info such a land size,date of > closing,property address do you accept or send back to get that information? > Thanks!