I have some questions about Board of Abatement
hearings. Braintree has a large mobile home park that was just bought by
the state. There are several mobile homes that are abandoned and
uninhabitable. I received notice from the state that they have sent
letters to the current owners saying that they are going to be moving the
homes. I know that they are planning on destroying the homes. All of
these homes have delinquent taxes. I am the town clerk and delinquent tax
collector. I have been unable to locate the owners. The previous
park owner moved a mobile home that the town had a lien on. He moved it
off a lot and put it in his "overflow" parking. The trailer roof
had collapsed that winter. That trailer has since been dismantled, but the
taxes are still delinquent. I called a Board of Abatement hearing for next
week, but am unsure what to do next. I have been clerk for 4 years and
this is my first abatement hearing. As Town Clerk I should be taking the
minutes for the meeting, but at Delinquent Tax Collector, shouldn't I recuse
myself from any proceedings? Including taking the minutes? Do we
have the authority to abate taxes on these homes? If not, then how do we
ever collect? Especially since the homes will be destroyed, there is
nothing that can placed for tax sale. Any help would be
Cora - Braintree