Fwd: [ncse] Unlocking the Mystery of Life
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Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 17:02:00 -0700
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From: Glenn Branch <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [ncse] Unlocking the Mystery of Life Critique
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Dear Friends of NCSE,
Unlocking the Mystery of Life, a documentary about the
ìintelligent designî movement cowritten by Stephen C. Meyer,
Director and Senior Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at
the Discovery Institute, is airing on individual PBS stations across
the country.
Because NCSE has received many inquiries about Unlocking, we
have added a section to our web site for information and opinions
about it:
Articles in this section are the opinions of the authors and not
necessarily those of NCSE.
The first entry is a letter to Maryland Public Television, which
aired Unlocking on June 10, from Daryl Domning, Professor of
Anatomy at Howard Universityís School of Medicine. Domning writes,
"Although this program was presented as a science documentary, in
fact it was no more than an elaborate infomercial for 'intelligent
design' creationism (ID)."
The second entry is from NCSE's Network Project Director Skip Evans,
who documents the links between Unlocking's producer, Illustra Media,
and Discovery Media, whose stated mission is to "utilize every
form of available media to present the reality of [Godís] existence
through compelling scientific evidence and academic
And the final entry is a brief news article about Unlocking by
Robert Park, professor of physics at the University of Maryland,
Director of the Washington Office of the American Physical Society,
and author of the American Physical Societyís popular "What's
New" column. Park's critique is reposted, with his permission,
from "What's New" for June 13, 2003.
NCSE will announce further additions to the Unlocking section as they
Glenn Branch
Deputy Director
National Center for Science Education, Inc.
420 40th Street, Suite 2
Oakland, CA 94609-2509
510-601-7203 x 305
fax: 510-601-7204
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